Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Final Score = Mom: 2; Kids: 4,377,985

In Competition: Clean HouseMe vs. My Kids, they always win. And I'm just about ready to throw in the towel for good.

(this is really just a *teensy* smattering of the mess my kids have made this morning)

On Monday, I spent the ENTIRE day doing damage control. I did 6 loads of laundry (and still had 2 more leftover), I did 2 loads of dishes (and still had a sink full), I swept the kitchen floor 5 times. I took the trash out 3 times. I menu-planned and made a grocery list. I bathed the kids. I made banana-chocolate chip bread. We took a trip to the pumpkin patch and had Family Home Evening. I was seriously super-woman. Yesterday, we were out all day: preschool, library, grocery shopping, errands, Halloween carnival. And SOMEHOW... today the house looks like ground zero again.

I have diapers in the wash. A load of whites on deck. Dishes waiting to be unloaded from the dishwasher. Two sinks full of dirty dishes. A kitchen and living room floor that need to be swept and mopped. Clean laundry waiting to be put away. Bathrooms that need to be cleaned. Carpets that need to be vacuumed. Shelves (and blinds, and ceiling fans, and window tracks) that need to be dusted. A fridge full of old food. Kids that need to be fed, and bathed, and changed (/pottied), and dressed, and fed again, and napped, and fed again (and again and again and again). Floors cluttered with toys and books. Dinner to be made. More dishes to be washed. More counters and tables to be wiped. More floors to be swept and mopped.

It just never ends!

There are also things like showering, exercising, napping (because the "baby" was up 3 times and the kid once last night), keeping the kids from killing each other (which gets more difficult every day), offering my children love and support as mothers should do, making Halloween costumes, getting the pumpkins carved, making two plates of treats (and xeroxing the required papers) to pass along the "You've Been Boo'ed" plate that we received over a week ago...

And all I want to do on this cold, somewhat snowy day is stay in my jammies, curled up in bed with a good book and a mug of cocoa, and read and sleep the day away.

What's a mommy to do???

1 comment:

diane26 said...

You should just quit. That's what I did with our basement. I'm tired of being the only one who picks it up. Ryan is convinced we have rats (although I don't know what proof he's going off of since we have 2 big cats and a dog who don't seem to think so) but I told him if it bothers him then pick it up. Nothing so far. The wait continues.....

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